Evenementenhal Gorinchem – Franklinweg 2 4207 HZ Gorinchem

Practical info

Practical information

Address & opening hours

Evenementenhal Gorinchem
Franklinweg 2
4207 HZ Gorinchem
The Netherlands

Opening hours
Tueday 13 mei 2025 between 10:00-17:00
Wednesday 14 mei 2025 between 10:00-17:00

Free wifi
Cash & card
Guarded wardrobe
10 loading points
2200 parking spaces


With the car

Evenementenhal Gorinchem is located near by the A27 and A15, at the start of Gorinchem-East. The driving distance from the highway is only 5 minutes. Evenementenhal Gorinchem is an ideal location with a national reach.

With public transport

Evenementenhal Gorinchem is also easily accessible by public transport. From Gorinchem station take bus 1, then get out in front of the building. Buses 387 and 673 run to a nearby stop, and it is a 4-minute walk to the Evenementenhal.


Do you want to spend the night during Maintenance? No problem, there are several hotels available in the nearby area! You can book a hotel room from 1 kilometer away from the Evenementenhal.


Evenementenhal Gorinchem has 2200 parking spaces, including 10 electric charging points. The parking costs for visitors are €8,-. The parking spaces are located in front of and next to the halls.

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